Recovering Life #7 Laughing in the dark
If you didn’t laugh you’d cry. It was January 2021 and it was meant to be an overnight stay in hospital, followed by a straightforward test that would be the gateway to getting on with my life. It turned out somewhat differently. I’d been prolonged over the weekend, as my test was delayed and then an abnormality was discovered- which had been hidden before now. The cause of my bleed had been detected and a few days later I was preparing for surgery. All of this was in the midst of Ireland’s third wave of Covid when we were topping the world’s charts for all the wrong reasons. The meaningful Christmas we had been promised- and some had enjoyed- and the UK variant had got together to ruin our party. Covid cases were on our ward and on the minds of the staff- many of whom had suffered and were returning to work themselves. It was no laughing matter, yet comedy prevailed . The good humour of staff and patients together in the ...